Honouring Tradition: Angora Goat Haircuts

Its April on the Farm and I preside over the cherished annual tradition: of the first haircuts of the season for my Angora goats.

Within the warm confines of the farm's barn, amidst the reassuring scent of hay and the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the windows, the goats and I partake in a ritual that blends practicality with heartfelt care.

The barn serves as more than just a shelter; it's a sanctuary where each Angora goat finds comfort during their biannual haircuts. Here, nestled among bales of hay and familiar surroundings, the goats stand patiently on a raised platform specially designed for goat “salon-like” treatments, imported from America several years ago,. This setup allows me to personally oversee the haircutting process, ensuring the goats remain calm and undisturbed.

With a practiced hand and a gentle demeanour, I begin the meticulous task of hand shearing. The goats, known for their luxurious mohair coats, settle into a rhythm as I carefully remove the winter's growth. Despite the snip of shears and the occasional rustle of hay, the atmosphere remains serene—a testament to the trust and familiarity shared between my flock and I.

Chives, a spirited Angora known for her playful antics, is among one of my favourites and the eldest. She stands stoically on the platform, occasionally nibbling on hay and

ginger nut biscuits, while I work around her with precision. The other goats follow suit, their demeanour reflecting the calm assurance that comes from years of mutual respect and care

As the morning sun arcs higher in the sky, so does the progress. Each goat receives individual attention, ensuring their coats are shorn evenly and without stress.

By the end of the day, the barn is adorned with soft tufts of mohair, a testament to the day's work. The goats, now sporting their much-loved short styles, emerge with a newfound lightness.Beyond the practical benefits of shearing, this ritual embodies the essence of stewardship and tradition. It underscores the deep bond between human and animal, where mutual respect and attentive care define sustainable farming practices.

For me, the day is more than just a task; it's a celebration of my connection to these gentle creatures. I always watch proudly afterwards as the goats, now sleek and comfortable in their newly shorn coats, return to the barnyard with renewed energy. Their movements are agile, their expressions content - a testament to my dedication to fostering harmony within the flock.

As the sun begins its descent over the Farm, I always find myself lingering in the barn for a moment longer. The day's events have reaffirmed the beauty of working in harmony with nature and the trust they bestow on me - a timeless connection that resonates deeply within the heart of farming..


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